The Kerrigan Chronicles, Book II Email/FB Reviews:
- I loved the storyline of these chronicles…I read every word, every paragraph and I must say Annie has a very unique descriptive mind! ~ F.
- I am very impressed with your wonderful prose. It reminds me a bit of Annie Proulx…I’m two-score of pages into your novel and in love with your voice. That to me is what makes a read enjoyable. ~ K.
- I’m half way through and I love it. ~J.
- …reading your book Sea & Seed ,on the last chapter now , also have Sea & Sand , Can’t wait to start book #2 .Love those stories ~ I.
Available now! Of Sea and Sand in Kindle and Paperback! 
Ghostly matriarch Kathleen Kerrigan resumes the compelling saga of her family, whose lives are mired in secrets, steeped in betrayal, and then hurled into chaos when war uproots their Newfoundland community in 1940.
Of Sea and Seed: Publishers Weekly Review, Feb, 2020 “Daylon’s talent is apparent in this engrossing opening to a projected series about the travails of a Newfoundland family….” To Read more click HERE.
Family, sea and mystery inspire transplanted Newfoundland author Annie Daylon
Published: Jan 30, 2020
May 12, 2018
You can find me at the Author Tables at WRITE ON VANCOUVER!
What is Write On Vancouver?
“A day-long celebration of local writers and publishers at Vancouver Public Library: attend a workshop, ask an expert your writing questions, or browse the author and publisher tables. No registration required.”
Write On Vancouver Author Tables
Central Branch, Vancouver Public Library
Saturday, May 12, 2018 (11:00 am – 4:00 pm)

Vancouver, here I come!
May 3-6, 2018
Region XVII Arabian and Half-Arabian Show Championships.
Thunderbird Show Park, Langley, British Columbia
No writing or reading here, just happily serving as one of the sponsors for my sister Dorothy and her half-Arabian bay named Sweet Intoxication, aka Violet!
This sale offer has now ended. Many thanks, shoppers!
ONLY 99 CENTS throughout December, 2017!
Click HERE!
November 14, 2017 Guest Speaker At Beta Sigma Phi
Thank you to Betty and the members of her sorority chapter! Thoroughly enjoyed sharing my writing experiences with you.
This Giveaway offer has now ended. Many thanks to those who entered! Congrats to winner!
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Of Sea and Seed
by Annie Daylon
Giveaway ends October 15, 2017.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
OCTOBER 4, 5, 6, 2017 ONLY!
To get your copy, CLICK HERE!
October 12-15, 2017 Whistler Writers Festival

Thursday, October 12 Whistler Public Library Reading Event for fiction and nonfiction finalists in the Whistler Independent Book Awards. Host: Lynn Duncan.
–Looking forward to meeting other authors and to reading an excerpt from OF SEA AND SEED, The Kerrigan Chronicles, Book I.
Friday, October 13 Maury Young Arts Centre Literary Cabaret
-Winners of Whistler Independent Book Awards Announced
-See Full Program Guide HERE
September 25, 2017 Chilliwack Writers’ Group… 10 Years Already!
The Chilliwack Writers’ Group Tenth Anniversary party! I’ll be there!
September 1, 2017 Semi-Finalist: Kindle Book Awards.

Of Sea and Seed, The Kerrigan Chronicles, Book I made the semi-final list in the Literary Fiction Category for the Kindle Book Review’s Kindle Book Awards.
August, 2017: Cover Winner!

Of Sea and Seed, The Kerrigan Chronicles, Book Iis the winner of the 2017 B.R.A.G. award for Best Book Cover in the Literary Fiction Category.
July 17, 2017: A Finalist!
Of Sea and Seed, The Kerrigan Chronicles, Book I, is now a finalist for the 2017 Whistler Independent Book Award. The winners’ presentation will be held at the Whistler Writers Festival, October 12-15, 2017.
May 31, 2017: On the Shortlist!
Of Sea and Seed, The Kerrigan Chronicles has been nominated for the 2017 Whistler Independent Book Award. The finalists for the award will be announced on July 17, 2017 and the winners’ presentation will be held at the Whistler Writers Festival, October 12-15, 2017.
For more information, click here>>> Whistler Independent Book Awards.
Thanks to all who entered.
Congrats to winners, Cheryl and Brigitte!
Goodreads Book Giveaway
At the Heart of the Missing
by Annie Daylon
Giveaway ends April 12, 2017.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
Many thanks to all who downloaded Castles to Kindle (or Kindle App.) 🙂
FREE! “Castles” on Kindle
Date: Fri., Nov. 25, 2016 to Mon., Nov. 28, 2016
Castles in the Sand is available for FREE on Kindle from Black Friday to Cyber Monday >>>
October 8, 2016 is INDIE AUTHOR DAY in North America!
Who is involved? Hundreds of Libraries, Thousands of Indies across North America! You’ll find me at the:
Vancouver Public Library Indie Author Day Event:
Date: Saturday, October 8th
Place: Central Branch of VPL, 350 West Georgia St.
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Activities: Author Readings, Author Tables, “Talk-to-an-Author” Corner.
Drop by and say hi!
April, 2016:

OF SEA AND SEED is a recipient of the B.R.A.G. Medallion for excellence in indie publishing. Many thanks, Brag Medallion! Thanks also to Stephanie Hopkins for the Cover Crush of the novel on the IndieBrag site! Smiles all around. 🙂
March 20/16: Thank you! We won Cover Wars!
(Artist: Loreena M. Lee Designer: Brian Rodda)
Greatly appreciate your votes!
Many thanks, Author Shout , for opportunity.
Feb. 24 -Mar. 3, 2016! Goodreads Giveaway!
Many thanks to all who entered. Congrats, winners! Your books are on their way!
OF SEA AND SEED, The Kerrigan Chronicles:
My Write Before Christmas
Dec. 13, 2015
December, 2015: Member of the Month at WANL! 🙂

Nov. 27-Dec. 5, 2015: 2 Goodreads Giveaways! Thanks for entering!
Coming Soon: BRAG Medallion Blog Hop!
My post: December 13th!
Sunday, November 22nd:
Chilliwack Writers’ Group Reunion
A Happy Event!
Book Signing — November 14th!
Where: Annual Christmas Craft Fair
Stoney Creek Ranch, Chilliwack, BC.
(Off Promontory and Chester)
Date: Saturday, November 14, 2015
Time: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Available Now: Two New Books!
OF SEA AND SEED, The Kerrigan Chronicles, Book I SEE MORE HERE
A ghostly family matriarch chronicles the lives of three generations of the Kerrigan family as they struggle to survive devastating tsunami, toxic secrets, and shocking betrayal in 1920s Newfoundland. - THE MANY-COLORED INVISIBLE HATS OF BRENDA-LOUISE
SEE MORE HERE An enchanting rhyme about an imaginative little girl who conjures up a colorful hat for every occasion.
October 15, 2014– Chilliwack Progress Newspaper

L-R: Helen Yeomans, Annie Daylon, Delwen Stander, Michelle Vandepol
Book Lovers Bucket List Event
Photo by Jenna Hauck (Progress)
October 11, 2014 — Reading.
Place & Time: Chilliwack Library, 45860 First Avenue, Chilliwack, 10 a.m. – Noon.
Event: Book Lovers’ Bucket List, created by Chilliwack Hospice Society to spread Awareness for World Hospice & Palliative Care Day.
April 12, 2014:
Attendance at Book Club for Discussion of novel, Castles in the Sand.
See blog for DISCUSSION QUESTIONS (minus spoilers, of course!)
March, 2014:
Second Place Winner, Brucedale Press, Alphabet Acrostic Short Story Contest 🙂
My entry, The Thing with Feathers, will appear in the spring edition of The Leaf magazine.
September 28, 2013:
Power Point Presentation on Short Story Contests Word Vancouver Vancouver Public Library Saturday, September 28th 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
June, 2013:
Interview with author Annie Daylon on THRILLER INK.
April, 2013
Annie Daylon’s short story, The Rebirth of Rose, was recently chosen for inclusion in the anthology OMG-That Woman! (Available in paperback on Amazon.)
April 23, 2013:
Thank you to the community of Clinton, BC. and to the staff and students of David Stoddart High School for helping make my visit a success. I was thrilled to present my Power Point workshop (Honing the Craft of Writing through Story Contests) and was even more thrilled with students’ ability to use prompts to insert detail into their creative writing. Superb classes. A thoroughly enjoyable experience!
Happy to announce that the Double Book Launch of Annie Daylon & Michael Hiebert was a resounding success! Many thanks to our hosts at the Chilliwack Library and to all who came to share in the celebration. For those of you who purchased Castles in the Sand and/or Sometimes the Angels Weep, please take a minute to visit amazon and write a review!
Annie is available for readings at Book Clubs, Writing Clubs, Book Stores, and Libraries in British Columbia’s Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley
Federation of BC Writers Meet & Greet, Langley, 2012

Annie Daylon reading from her book of short stories, “Passages”
The Book Man in Chilliwack, British Columbia, July, 2012
FreeFall Magazine Launch, Calgary, Alberta, 2009